10 Benefits of Drinking Beer Many People Don't Know

10. Beer is good for you it's one of the few consumables that contains bone benefiting silicon a beer a day can also keep kidney stone away. A study conducted in Finland established that moderate daily consumption of beer can reduce the risk of developing kidney stones by 40%. 

9. Beer makes your b-ones stronger, It's rich in dietary silicon, A study has revealed that elevated levels of silicon in beer can contribute to higher bone density. A glass or two a day could help make your bones stronger.

8. Hoppy beers can protect against Alzheimer’s
A recent study found Xanthohumol, a compound in the hops used to flavour beer, is able to protect the brain from degenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

7. It's good for your hair to get the conditioning and cleansing benefits. The beer must be applied directly to the tresses so going out and throwing back a few won't help with split ends after shampooing and conditioning as usual. You should pour the beer on your wet hair.

6. Reduce Risk of Heart Attack According to the experts, beer drinkers have a 40 to 60 percent reduced risk of suffering a heart attack compared with non-beer drinkers. At three bottles a day, the cardiovascular benefits of beer are reversed by the pro-oxidants your body creates as it metabolizes excess ethanol. 

5. Heard of someone saying that beer is loaded with additives and preservatives? don't believe them coz the truth is that beer is as all-natural as orange or milk. It doesn't need preservatives because it has alcohol and hops, which are both natural preservatives.

4. It can help lower risk of diabetes. It can help lower the risk of Diabetes. This is another remarkable benefit of moderate beer consumption. According To Harvard study in 2011, about 38,000 middle-aged men, those who drank 1 to 2 beers daily had a 25% reduction in risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

3. It can help treat dandruf. Because of the yeast and Vitamin B content levels, it is considered as one of the best natural home remedies for dandruff. Just rinse your hair with a bottle of beer, 2 or 3 times aweek.

2. Beer not only has no cholesterol, it can actually help reduce cholesterol levels in your body. You've got two kinds of cholesterol in your system: HDL, the "good" cholesterol that armor-plates your veins and keeps things flowing, and LDL, the "bad" cholesterol that builds up in your veins like sludge in your bathtub drain. Beer power-flushes the system and keeps the HDL levels up. According to some studies, as little as one beer a day can boost your HDL by up to 4 percent.

1. Beer helps you chill. The social aspects of moderate drinking are solidly beneficial to your health. In other words, to get out every now and then and relax with your buddies over a couple of beers.

10 Benefits of Drinking Beer Many People Don't Know 10 Benefits of Drinking Beer Many People Don't Know Reviewed by Akikz on August 23, 2017 Rating: 5

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